Soil Sampling
Our CPT rigs are able to retrieve soil samples utilising a variety of equipment.
Ranger 46 and 66 - available on all CPT rigs
These soil samplers provide 46 mm and 66 mm diameter soil samples.
The sample length is 0.55 m.
They are piston samplers.
Soil samples can be retrieved in steel or plastic tubes.
Soil samples can be retrieved quickly with the CPT trucks.
VERTEK - available on all CPT rigs
This soil sampler provides a 35 mm diameter soil sample.
It can sample over a 0.5 m length but it is modular so can be extended.
It is a piston sampler.
Soil samples can be retrieved in split tubes or plastic tubes.
MACRO and DT22 - available on Geoprobes
It can sample over a 1.5 m length but it is modular so can be extended.
It is hammered into the ground with the Geoprobe.
Soil samples are retrieved in plastic tubes.
Soil samples can be retrieved quickly with the Geoprobe.
The DT22 has casing and is more efficient below a depth of 5 m.
MOSTAP - available on all CPT rigs
It can sample over a 1.8 m length.
Soil samples are retrieved in fabric sock.
Shelby soil sampling tubes - available on Geoprobes
This soil sampler provides various sizes with the 63 mm (U63) being the most common.
It can sample over a 0.5 m length for a U63 but can be longer.
Soil sample tubes are sealed at the ends with plastic plugs.
Soil samples can be retrieved quickly with the Geoprobe